All The Weaving Projects!
All the way back in March I picked up a Cricket Loom during the North Shore yarn crawl. I probably didn't need to take on another hobby, but I made the leap anyway and have been weaving away on it ever since.
Here was my very first practice piece:
It definitely got more consistent and even as I went along!
Next I used up some old acrylic yarn from my stash to practice some more and learn hemstitch for finishing the ends.
Then I attempted a two color weave and learned a little about carrying yarn up the sides and experimented with how to best keep the selvages some what even.
The green and purple wool was what came with the loom, unfortunately there was only enough to make a very small child size scarf!
That pretty much wrapped up my learning process and from there I just sort of took off weaving. Here is what I have made so far (some can be found in our Etsy shop, some have already sold!).
It I count these 15 finished pieces as "projects" that would put my total up to 50, leaving me with only 2 more projects to go in order to complete 52 in 2015 (one a week). I am not sure that's fair though since I originally said I would knit 52 things!
I have enjoyed weaving so much that this weekend I saw a used loom on Craig's List and decided I must have it. I have no idea how to warp it, but I will learn eventually!